Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fwd: ThinkHealhBC (Discussion Post Comment Deleted)

Just when I thought things were looking better due to the fact I had been invited to participate in their Discussion Forum.... Another punch in the gut for me by the BC Government (the only consolation being that maybe it will help reduce some of my belly fat...).  

They seem to think my posting constitutes "spam" and that one is not allowed to discuss any products or services (such as Wellness Programs that can improve health).... or (get this) even have a link to ones  personal website... it is no wonder that after 6 months of operation not many people are using their "Discussion" Forum.... so much for "open" government... it is no wonder our healthcare system is in such a mess...

Regarding Wellness Programs, the BC Government has started offering a form of them itself in partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society (see, and there is nothing wrong with this.  All I am saying is that the private (business) sector should be included, as it has a lot to offer as well...  Or are they too afraid to deal with the BC Liberals these days ?

I admit that my original proposal back in 2009 to TransLink was a business proposal, or at least a recommendation to explore business opportunities in the Wellness Field... including I might add, an exploration of controversial areas such as the regulation and taxation of "vice"-industries, some of  which are not even currently regulated (or taxed).  But, I believe that by now my ideas have become much more than that...

A copy of my comment can be seen below (in bold), let me know what you think....

I have copied the "Ambassador" on this email in the hopes that it will be directed to the proper "Diplomatic" channels...  so that they may be shaken (as well as stirred) - to act....

To the Journey !

Rick Orser
P: 604-325-0725

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Think Health BC HLTH:EX <>
Date: Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:55 AM
Subject: ThinkHealhBC
To: "" <>

Dear Rick Orser,

Thank you for submitting your comment to the ThinkHealthBC discussion forum.
Unfortunately we've had to remove your comment, as it doesn't meet our Moderation Policy/Terms of Reference(*will be hyperlinks). We remove posts that:

·         Constitute spam, promote services, products, or personal websites

For easy reference, we've included your comment below.

Hello Rita,  thank-you for your wonderful posting, I could not have said it better myself.  See my proposal for a Wellness Program that could not only help improve and maintain peoples health and in doing so help reduce healthcare costs, but also reduce traffic congestion and air pollution and help fund transit at the same time - TransLink Wellness-Hub Campaign -

BC Ministry of Health

Angela French, Ambassador
ThinkHealthBC~Ministry of Health
1515 Blanshard Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 3C8


Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome to my New Blog and upgraded website !

I am hoping to re-energize the TransLink Wellness-Hub Campaign through the use of additional modern technology such as Facebook & Twitter.... as well as a solution for the Photo Contest along with an Idea Contest, using IdeaScale, which the White House used and the City of Vancouver is starting to use.

But of course the success of the campaign depends on you - and others like you... 

The Faregates are being installed and it will not be long until the Compass SmartCards will be in use.  Lets send TransLink and the Politicians a message that we want a Wellness-Hub to be part of it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

204309 - Fare Evasion (COPY of EMail Reply from - Honourable Blair Lekstrom)

COPY of EMail Reply from -  Honourable Blair Lekstrom

At least he replied, which is more than I can say about my email to (Honourable) Christy Clark...

Not sure what more I can say without repeating myself, except possibly that his reply is better than a smack in the ass which is probably the best we can hope that fare evaders will receive when they sneak through the faregates behind someone and the gate closes promptly behind them...

Note also photo below of the passenger counters used on Seabus... even these durable mechanical (bullet-proof) gadgets break down, how much more will the (electro-mechanical) faregates breakdown, adding additional costs for repair...



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Transportation, Minister TRAN:EX <>
Date: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:25 PM
Subject: 204309 - Fare Evasion
To: "" <>
Cc: "OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX" <>, "Minister, HLTH HLTH:EX" <>
204309 - Fare Evasion
Dear Rick:
Thank you for your e-mail of June 3, 2012, and attached links, regarding fare evasion in Metro Vancouver. I appreciate you taking the time to share with me all your ideas for a reward and wellness system to reduce fare evasion in Metro Vancouver, and I note you have already shared your idea with TransLink officials.
I share the sentiment that people who don't pay fares do a disservice to everyone, including the many lower income individuals who do pay. Our recently passed legislation will go a long way to reduce fare evasion. TransLink is also proceeding with the faregates/Compass Card project, with $70 million in financial support from the provincial and federal governments. Faregates are commonly used in jurisdictions throughout North America and Europe with great success, and I am confident they will significantly reduce fare evasion in the Lower Mainland's transit system. This is important, as TransLink relies on fares received from riders to help pay for its operations.
It is important to note the provincial government provides annual transit passes at very low cost (currently $45 per year) to eligible low income B.C. seniors and persons with disabilities through the BC Bus Pass Program. Information about this program can be found on the Ministry of Social Development's web site at U-Pass BC, a highly discounted universal transit pass program, is also available for eligible students at public post secondary institutions. Students pay $30 per month to the U-Pass BC program in Metro Vancouver and less in other areas of the province.
Thank you again for taking the time to share your proposal with me.

Blair Lekstrom
Copy to:        Premier Christy Clark
                Honourable Michael de Jong
                Minister of Health
                MLA, Abbotsford West

From: [] On Behalf Of Rick Orser
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2012 7:59 PM
To: Transportation, Minister TRAN:EX
Cc:; OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX; Moira Stilwell; Sgarossino;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: TransLink Wellness-Hub - You Can't Bleed a Stone - A Measured Response is Required
Honourable Blair Lekstrom
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure
Province of British Columbia
Dear Mr. Lekstrom,
Congratulations on successfully creating legislation that educates fare-evaders that there will now be consequences for their in-actions (of not purchasing transit fares and receiving a fine), at least for those who can afford to pay (both fares & fines), and deliver much needed funding to TransLink.
BUT, what about people who can not afford to pay fines (or even fares for that matter, which got them into trouble in the first place), people who are too poor (possibly on welfare), drug-addicted or mentally-ill, for example ?
- PENALTIES (sticks) such as tickets and fines do not work on them... nor does going to court or even jail, which they consider a holiday anyway (free room & board) with access to as many drugs as they can handle (and a cost to taxpayers of at least $100k per year, per inmate).
Don't pick on the poor - show compassion - along with - Tough Love - (when necessary) instead.
- Help them help themselves and save a bundle in the process.
- For people like this, a different approach is needed, especially for those who have enough dignity and self-respect that they are willing to try to turn their lives around.
- A better approach would be to offer them REWARDS (carrots) such as incentives in order to rehabilitate them so they can become contributing members of society rather than a drain on society.
- Essentially, it is a process of negotiation and rehabilitation, leading to better behaviour...
- - With a - measured - use of both stick (penalties) if necessary, and carrot (rewards) preferably...
This is where the - magic - of the TransLink Wellness-Hub comes in -
- The "Silver Bullet" -
 - Scientifically-Proven, Incentive-Based, Smartcard-Enabled - Salvation through Wellness.
  - - See my proposal at -
  - - And campaign at -
I also agree that the idea to - ban - fare-evaders from using transit (or at least having this option available as a tool in the toolkit) is a good idea. Thanks to the aftermath of the Stanley Cup riots people now understand that photos of them can be used to identify them and pursue them (aggressively if necessary).
Working in the security field has educated me to the fact that thieves at liquor stores (for example) are not afraid of fines (or even jail), what they are really afraid of is being - banned - from liquor stores...
The first - reward - of course should therefore be that repeat fare-evaders (or people who say they can not afford to pay to use the system) be - allowed - to use the system if they enroll in a wellness (rehab) program that will enable them to earn rewards (such as "TransLink Dollars") for example, deposited directly onto their Smartcards which they can use to ride the system.
- Improving themselves further (beyond a penalty for fare-evasion) and helping others, could earn them additional rewards (TransLink Dollars) that could then be used for things other than Transit.
- Part of their rehab could include volunteer community service type work so that they would acquire the skills to become employable and once employed further become (normal fare-paying) contributing members of society.
- Essentially creating a "hand-up" not a "hand-out" and ultimately avoiding possible - "hold-up".
100% Fare Compliance ? Is that possible ? Based on TransLink estimates the system is already running at 96% Fare Compliance, so we are only 4% away from 100% compliance.
- Many of the 4%'ers are repeat offenders, even chronic offenders in some cases and are well known to Transit Police who have already written (many) tickets for them, which has no effect on them and they simply throw them away.
- If these people could be given a choice to either get on a rehab (wellness) program or be banned from using transit, then we will have a chance to close that gap and have a system that is truly 100% Compliant.
 - As well as (of course) help solve many other (criminal related) problems in the process.
TIME vs MONEY - People with more money than time would prefer to pay their fines using money... but people with more time than money (and not able to pay their fines) should be given a choice... to pay via volunteering (community service) and be rewarded for going beyond the penalty - or - not use the system.
I am not a fan of Faregates as I believe their cost and ongoing maintenance will undo their cost-savings (through a reduction in fare-evasion) and they will simply not work on the 4%ers as these people will simply "Hump" (or Piggyback) their way onto the system behind others (as they do in other cities using faregates), therefore defeating the whole intent in the first place.
- A better (less-costly) option would be to simply offer REWARDS to - ALL - transit users in the form of free transit (& other rewards such as TransLink Dollars) via randomly assigning rewards onto their Smartcards so that every time a person uses transit (and therefore their Smartcard) they will have a chance to win (free transit & other goodies).
- Taking transit would be instantly transformed from a cumbersome activity (for many) to a LOTTERY... and depending on the rewards could be quite exciting... to the point that it could even get more people using transit instead of their cars...
- Who would not want to use and pay for transit given a chance to win a reward ?
Kevin Falcon (when Minister of Health) replied to an email I sent him regarding my TransLink Wellness-Hub Proposal, and although he liked the idea was concerned about the administration that would be involved.
- Now hopefully, with the administration he has had to endure as Minister of Finance in returning the Province back to the PST from the HST (I actually voted to keep the HST), especially through the use of computers for example, is proof that the government is capable of advanced administration.
- But, of course, the government would not even need to do this anyway as private companies and nonprofit organizations which already have experience running similar programs, could help out.
Transit - Road (or congestion) Pricing - is the way to go !
- Like in other cities, and the public understands this (intuitively)... those who use the roads (& bridges) should pay for them.
- Those who reduce congestion on the roads (such as cyclists and transit users) should be rewarded.
- This is really simple, nothing hard to understand here...  and the "business-minded" TransLink Board (I believe) understands this too...
Health - The philosophy of penalty & reward works for health as well... except that we would not want to penalize people for having bad health (as it may not be their fault as it may relate to genetics or their environment etc.). However, we can - reward - people for improving their health (and therefore reduce healthcare costs in the process).
Crime - Furthermore - This philosophy also works for crime (such as in fare-evasion) as well as healthy people are typically happy people able to achieve goals and solve problems without resorting to crime.
Education & Self Improvement - This philosophy (of course) also holds for education and self-improvement as healthy happy people usually want to get ahead in life (which like good health and unclogged roads would be an additional reward in itself).
These are all behavioral issues that can be solved through wellness.
- Fund Public Transit through cost-savings in Healthcare & Crimecare - Funding for Public Transit can be found by facilitating cost-savings in Healthcare & Crimecare - using transit, wellness - and rewards.
Natural Resources vs Human Resources - Like most people I am happy that the Province is making gains in selling its Natural Resources, and earning the royalties that go with them. Unfortunately, the Natural Resources sector does not create that many jobs, especially compared to the Service Sector (even including the ripple-effect).
- More needs to be done to promote our Human (People) Resources (& their abilities) not just our Natural Resources.
- Turning Vancouver & BC into a Wellness Destination (or Wellness Mecca) would not only create jobs in the Tourism Sector but the Health & Wellness Sector as well....
- A TransLink Wellness-Hub could help with this...
It's time to stop complaining about bad behaviour and start doing something about it, especially now that we have the technology that will enable us to - finally - do something about it... using a - measured response...
This is not about the world of yesterday, it is about the world of tomorrow.
Thank-you, sincerely,
Rick Orser
P: 604-325-0725

Sunday, June 17, 2012

#WellnessHubStickers - Campaign for a - TransLink Wellness-Hub - ( has forwarded you this posting.
Please see below for more information.
Visit the posting at to contact the person who posted this.

#WellnessHubStickers - Campaign for a - TransLink Wellness-Hub -

Date: 2012-06-17, 4:17PM
Campaign for a - TransLink Wellness-Hub - Scientifically-Proven, Incentive-Based, SmartCard-Enabled -
#WellnessHubStickers - $1 each available M-F 3:15pm @ Waterfront Station - Wear them in good health !
See me on twitter at -!/RickOrser

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

TransLink Wellness-Hub - You Can't Bleed a Stone - A Measured Response is Required

Honourable Blair Lekstrom
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure 

Province of British Columbia
Dear Mr. Lekstrom,

Congratulations on successfully creating legislation that educates fare-evaders that there will now be consequences for their in-actions (of not purchasing transit fares and receiving a fine), at least for those who can afford to pay (both fares & fines), and deliver much needed funding to TransLink.

BUT, what about people who can not afford to pay fines (or even fares for that matter, which got them into trouble in the first place), people who are too poor (possibly on welfare), drug-addicted or mentally-ill, for example ?  
- PENALTIES (sticks) such as tickets and fines do not work on them... nor does going to court or even jail, which they consider a holiday anyway (free room & board) with access to as many drugs as they can handle (and a cost to taxpayers of at least $100k per year, per inmate).

Don't pick on the poor - show compassion - along with - Tough Love - (when necessary) instead.
- Help them help themselves and save a bundle in the process.
- For people like this, a different approach is needed, especially for those who have enough dignity and self-respect that they are willing to try to turn their lives around.
- A better approach would be to offer them REWARDS (carrots) such as incentives in order to rehabilitate them so they can become contributing members of society rather than a drain on society.
- Essentially, it is a process of negotiation and rehabilitation, leading to better behaviour...
- - With a - measured - use of both stick (penalties) if necessary, and carrot (rewards) preferably...

This is where the - magic - of the TransLink Wellness-Hub comes in -
- The "Silver Bullet" -
 - Scientifically-Proven, Incentive-Based, Smartcard-Enabled - Salvation through Wellness.
  - - See my proposal at -
  - - And campaign at -

I also agree that the idea to - ban - fare-evaders from using transit (or at least having this option available as a tool in the toolkit) is a good idea. Thanks to the aftermath of the Stanley Cup riots people now understand that photos of them can be used to identify them and pursue them (aggressively if necessary).

Working in the security field has educated me to the fact that thieves at liquor stores (for example) are not afraid of fines (or even jail), what they are really afraid of is being - banned - from liquor stores...

The first - reward - of course should therefore be that repeat fare-evaders (or people who say they can not afford to pay to use the system) be - allowed - to use the system if they enroll in a wellness (rehab) program that will enable them to earn rewards (such as "TransLink Dollars") for example, deposited directly onto their Smartcards which they can use to ride the system.
- Improving themselves further (beyond a penalty for fare-evasion) and helping others, could earn them additional rewards (TransLink Dollars) that could then be used for things other than Transit.
- Part of their rehab could include volunteer community service type work so that they would acquire the skills to become employable and once employed further become (normal fare-paying) contributing members of society.  
- Essentially creating a "hand-up" not a "hand-out" and ultimately avoiding possible - "hold-up".

100% Fare Compliance ? Is that possible ? Based on TransLink estimates the system is already running at 96% Fare Compliance, so we are only 4% away from 100% compliance.
- Many of the 4%'ers are repeat offenders, even chronic offenders in some cases and are well known to Transit Police who have already written (many) tickets for them, which has no effect on them and they simply throw them away.
- If these people could be given a choice to either get on a rehab (wellness) program or be banned from using transit, then we will have a chance to close that gap and have a system that is truly 100% Compliant. 
 - As well as (of course) help solve many other (criminal related) problems in the process.

TIME vs MONEY - People with more money than time would prefer to pay their fines using money... but people with more time than money (and not able to pay their fines) should be given a choice... to pay via volunteering (community service) and be rewarded for going beyond the penalty - or - not use the system.

I am not a fan of Faregates as I believe their cost and ongoing maintenance will undo their cost-savings (through a reduction in fare-evasion) and they will simply not work on the 4%ers as these people will simply “Hump” (or Piggyback) their way onto the system behind others (as they do in other cities using faregates), therefore defeating the whole intent in the first place.
- A better (less-costly) option would be to simply offer REWARDS to - ALL - transit users in the form of free transit (& other rewards such as TransLink Dollars) via randomly assigning rewards onto their Smartcards so that every time a person uses transit (and therefore their Smartcard) they will have a chance to win (free transit & other goodies).
- Taking transit would be instantly transformed from a cumbersome activity (for many) to a LOTTERY... and depending on the rewards could be quite exciting... to the point that it could even get more people using transit instead of their cars...
- Who would not want to use and pay for transit given a chance to win a reward ?

Kevin Falcon (when Minister of Health) replied to an email I sent him regarding my TransLink Wellness-Hub Proposal, and although he liked the idea was concerned about the administration that would be involved.
- Now hopefully, with the administration he has had to endure as Minister of Finance in returning the Province back to the PST from the HST (I actually voted to keep the HST), especially through the use of computers for example, is proof that the government is capable of advanced administration.
- But, of course, the government would not even need to do this anyway as private companies and nonprofit organizations which already have experience running similar programs, could help out.

Transit - Road (or congestion) Pricing - is the way to go !  
- Like in other cities, and the public understands this (intuitively)... those who use the roads (& bridges) should pay for them.
- Those who reduce congestion on the roads (such as cyclists and transit users) should be rewarded.
- This is really simple, nothing hard to understand here...  and the “business-minded” TransLink Board (I believe) understands this too...

Health - The philosophy of penalty & reward works for health as well... except that we would not want to penalize people for having bad health (as it may not be their fault as it may relate to genetics or their environment etc.). However, we can - reward - people for improving their health (and therefore reduce healthcare costs in the process).

Crime - Furthermore - This philosophy also works for crime (such as in fare-evasion) as well as healthy people are typically happy people able to achieve goals and solve problems without resorting to crime.

Education & Self Improvement - This philosophy (of course) also holds for education and self-improvement as healthy happy people usually want to get ahead in life (which like good health and unclogged roads would be an additional reward in itself).

These are all behavioral issues that can be solved through wellness.
- Fund Public Transit through cost-savings in Healthcare & Crimecare - Funding for Public Transit can be found by facilitating cost-savings in Healthcare & Crimecare - using transit, wellness - and rewards.

Natural Resources vs Human Resources - Like most people I am happy that the Province is making gains in selling its Natural Resources, and earning the royalties that go with them. Unfortunately, the Natural Resources sector does not create that many jobs, especially compared to the Service Sector (even including the ripple-effect).
- More needs to be done to promote our Human (People) Resources (& their abilities) not just our Natural Resources.   
- Turning Vancouver & BC into a Wellness Destination (or Wellness Mecca) would not only create jobs in the Tourism Sector but the Health & Wellness Sector as well....
- A TransLink Wellness-Hub could help with this...

It’s time to stop complaining about bad behaviour and start doing something about it, especially now that we have the technology that will enable us to - finally - do something about it... using a - measured response...

This is not about the world of yesterday, it is about the world of tomorrow.

Thank-you, sincerely,
Rick Orser
P: 604-325-0725

Sunday, May 27, 2012

TransLink Wellness-Hub Campaign Stickers ($1.00 each) ( has forwarded you this posting.
Please see below for more information.
Visit the posting at to contact the person who posted this.

TransLink Wellness-Hub Campaign Stickers ($1.00 each)

Date: 2012-05-27, 12:47PM
TransLink Wellness-Hub Campaign Stickers ($1.00 each) to support the cause of creating a TransLink Wellness-Hub.
- Scientifically-Proven, Incentive-Based, Smartcard-Enabled -
Wear them in good health !

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Postings - made to my civic election website

For the most recent postings on the TransLink Wellness-Hub Proposal (including an email to the Premier) - see -