Sunday, March 15, 2009

2009 - CHRONOLOGY of Events

Reverse Order (starting with most recent):
(EM = EMail (copy of) - CL = CraigsList (copy of) - FB = FaceBook)

Nov.29 - CL 5 - Somewhere between here and there (TransLink/Wellness/Olympics)
- COPY - The failure of the - "Carbon Tax" deal - to help fund TransLink is further proof that the company is still - somewhere between here and there - in terms of finding a solution to its funding problem.
Nov.28 - "Its in my blood" - A fitting quote from Tom describing his interest in Transit - Bon Voyage to Tom - - Sorry to hear my old friend is leaving TransLink, I hope Carol gives him a great big kiss (maybe more) before he leaves, as he certainly deserves it considering all the crap he had to put up with...
 - I also think the report by the Comptroller-General has a good point about there being too many executives at TransLink (especially board members), none of whom even wanted (or were allowed) to meet with me to discuss a solution that could solve TransLinks funding problems.
 - I, digress a bit here, but the Comptroller-General's report also discusses BC Ferries, highlighting the fact that the top executive at the Crown Corp is paid twice as much as anyone else in a comparable position.  I also hope that people have not forgotten that it was on his watch that a ferry boat sank for the first time in the history of the Corp (most likely because the top exec ignored the advice of his safety manager) which also resulted in the loss of two lives.  The ship remains at the bottom of the ocean and is an ongoing threat to ecology.  Where is our Public Inquiry on this ?  At least TransLink has not lost any Buses - or Skytrains...
 - As a matter of fact, Health & Safety is something TransLink has been pretty good at, maybe it is something they could build on.  The recent appointment of a Board Member with experience with Canadian Blood Services hopefully is a move in this direction.  Even Prince Charles of England talking at the SFU Wosk Centre for Dialogue during his visit here stated that maybe it is time to think "outside the box" on things...
Nov.19 - EM Reply - From the Premiers Office - I hope Shirley (& Gordon) talk to Kevin (a fellow SFU grad) as he (& his doctors) hold the key to making this work.

Oct.22 - EM - Letter from my old friend - Thomas ("Chubby") Prendergast at TransLink - which serves as further proof I believe, that the TransLink Executive and Board are really not masters of their own destiny.  Maybe time to move on up to the one who is really in charge.

 - I am disappointed Kevin does not seem to be taking me seriously on this...  we are not talking about a lot of dollars here and $1 towards wellness could result in $10 or even $100 or more in healthcare cost savings...  even some of his own people understand this and are interested in (at least) looking into it and seeing what can be done. The cost to the Ministry would be very little especially if shared with others, and could even possibly be - zero cost - if a sponsor was involved.  Healthcare cost savings in this way could be used to support the healthcare system (rather than cutting back).  Yes, a bit more complex, but easy once you understand it (like a lot of things).  But then, isn't that his new job, to deal with complex things ?

Jun.04 - EM Reply - From Carol at TransLink
Jun.03 - Started Posting on - TransLink Discussion Board

Apr.29 - No word from VANOC so decided to call them.  Said they did not receive - any - of my emails...  as their "info" em addr is overburdened... Re-Sent (to individual managers & executives).  Been having some excellent discussions but feel they are waiting to see what TransLink does...
Apr.05 - Started copying VANOC on my emails as well.  Copied & called the Legacies people who work with VANOC and was told they are - "very interested" - but are waiting to see what VANOC does....
Apr.02 - Received a call from an official at the Ministry of Health indicating they are interested and have been having some "intense" discussions regarding my proposal.

Mar.29 - Started copying Ministries of Healthy Living (& Health) on my emails to TransLink.
Mar.27 - Attended and made presentation to TransLink Board - answered questions and met individually with some board members & TransLink executives.  Excellent early discussions and interest, but felt they considered my idea to be a long-shot & would like to wait to see what - others - think...
Mar.22 - EM - HEALTHLINK Proposal
Mar.15 - Started emailing Business Proposals & ideas to TransLink